• О. А. Хотим УО "Гродненский государственный медицинский университет"
  • В. С. Аносов УО "Гродненский государственный медицинский университет"
  • Л. З. Сычевский УЗ «Гродненская областная детская клиническая больница»


Цель данной статьи – выполнение анализа зарубежной и отечественной литературы, посвященной вопросам воздействия лазерного излучения на биологическую ткань. В статье представлены возможности использования лазера в травматологии и ортопедии, что может оптимизировать и улучшить лечебный процесс. Данная информация будет полезна не только практикующему специалисту, но может быть использована в учебном процессе.


Mummolo S, Marchetii E, Di-Martino S, Scorzetti L, Marzo G. Aggressive periodontitis: laser Nd: YAG treatment versus conventional surgical therapy. European Journal of Pediatric Dentistry. 2008;9(2):88-92.

Shemonaev VI, Klimova TN, Mihalchenko DV, Poroshin AV, Stepanov VA. Opyt klinicheskogo primenenija di odnogo lazera na jetapah stomatologicheskogo lechenija [Clinical experince with diode laser dental treatment stages] [Internet]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovanija [Modern problems of science and education]. 2014;3. Available from: https://www.science-education.ru/ru/article/view?id=13345. (Russian).

Guskov AV, Zimankov DA, Mirnigmatova DB, Naumov MA. Lazernye tehnologii v terapevticheskoj i ortodonticheskoj stomatologicheskoj praktike (obzor literatury) [Laser technologies in the surgical and periodontal dental practice (literature review)]. Nauchnyj almanah [Science Almanac]. 2015;9(11):945-949. (Russian).

Shahno EA. Fizicheskie osnovy primenenija lazerov v medicine [Physical basis of laser using in medicine: trainingmanual] [Internet]. Saint Petersburg: ITMO University; 2012. 129 p. Available from: https://docplayer.ru/ 26947546-E-a-shahno-fizicheskie-osnovy-primeneniyalazerov-v-medicine-spb-niu-itmo-s-uchebnoe-posobieprednaznacheno-dlya-samostoyatelnoy-raboty-stude. html. (Russian).

Spodar DV. Maloinvazivnye tehnologii v hirurgicheskom lechenii distroficheskih kostnyh kist u detej s ispolzovaniem vysokointensivnogo rasfokusirovannogo lazernogo izluchenija [Miniinvasive technology in surgical treatment of distrofic bone cysts in children using high-intensive defocused laser eradiation] [dissertation]. Chelyabinsk (Russian Federation): Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy; 2004. 166. (Russian).

Serebrjakov VA. Opornyj konspekt lekcij po kursu “Lazernye tehnologii v medicine” [Lecture`s reference abstract on curse “Laser technology in medicine”] [Internet]. Saint Petersburg: ITMO University; 2009. 266 p. Available from: https://studfiles.net/preview/6070715/. (Russian).

Krikun EV, Blashkova SL. Diodnyj lazer v stomatologicheskoj praktike [Diode laser in dental practice]. Kazanskij medicinskij zhurnal [Kazan medical journal]. 2017;98(6):1023-1028. (Russian).

Zakirov TV, Bimbas ES, Stati TN. Osobennosti ispolzovanija diodnogo lazera v detskoj hirurgicheskoj stomatologii [Particular qualities of using of the diode laser in pediatric surgical dentistry]. Problemy stomatologii [The actual problems in dentistry]. 2013;5:57-61. (Russian).

Fekrazad R. Nokhbatolfoghahaei H, Khoei F, Kalhori KA. Pyogenic granuloma: surgical treatment with Er: YAG laser. Journal of Lasers Medical Sciences. 2014;5(4):199-205.

He WL, Yu FY, Li CJ, Pan J, Zhuang R, Duan PJ. A systematic review and meta-analysis on the efficacy of low-level laser therapy in the management of complication after mandibular third molar surgery. Journal of Lasers Medical Sciences. 2015;30(6):1779-1788. doi: 10.1007/s10103-014-1634-0.

Zare D, Haerian A, Molla R, Vaziri F. Evaluation of the effects of diode (980 nm) Laser on gingival inflammation after surgical periodontal therapy. Journal of Lasers Medical Sciences. 2014;5(1):27-31.

Moskvin SV. Osnovy lazernoj terapii [Fundamentals of laser therapy]. Tver: Triada; 2016. 896 p. (Russian).

Giannelli M, Formigli L, Lorenzini L, Bani D. Combined photoablative and photodynamic diode laser therapy as an adjunct to non-surgical periodontal treatment: a randomized split-mouth clinical trial. Journal of Clinical Periodontology. 2012;39(10):962-970. doi: 10.1111/j.1600-051X.2012.01925.x.

Kusek ER, Kusek AJ, Kusek EA. Five-year retrospective study of laser-assisted periodontal therapy. General Dentistry. 2012;60(6):291-294.

Afkhami F, Akbari S, Chiniforush N. Entrococcus faecalis elimination in root canals using silver nanoparticles, photodynamic therapy, diode laser, or laser-activated nanoparticles: an in vitro Study. Journal of Endodontics. 2017;43(2):279-282. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2016.08.029.

Schulte-Lünzum R, Gutknecht N, Conrads G, Franzen R. The impact of a 940 nm diode laser with radial firing tip and bare end fiber tip on enterococcus faecalis in the root canal wall dentin of bovine teeth: An in vitro study. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. 2017;35(7):357-363. doi: 10.1089/pho.2016.4249.

Bozkurt SB, Hakki EE, Kayis SA, Dundar N, Hakki SS. Biostimulation with diode laser positively regulates cementoblast functions in vitro. Lasers in Medicine Science. 2017;32(4):911-919. doi: 10.1007/s10103-017-2192-z.

Soloveva TI, Apolikhina IA. Diodnye lazery v medicinskoj praktike [Diode lasers in medical practice]. Innovacii na osnove informacionnyh i kommunikacionnyh tehnologij [Innovations based on information and communication techologies]. 2014;1:628-631. (Russian).

Mitronin AV, Chunikhin AA. Laboratornaja ocenka vlijanija lazernogo izluchenija na strukturu dentina kornevyh kanalov pri jendodonticheskom lechenii [Laboratory estimation of influence laser radiation on structure of dentin root canals at endodontic treatment]. Stomatologija dlja vseh [International Dental Review]. 2010;1:44-48. (Russian).

Ulupov MU, Portnov GV, Golland VA. Distantnaja vaporizacija kosti s ispolzovaniem oluprovodnikovogo lazera 970 nm v jeksperimente [Distant bone vaporization using 970 UM semiconductor laser in experiment]. Rossijskaja otorinolaringologija [Russian otorinolaringology]. 2014;1(68):210-214. (Russian).

Shumilin II, Privalov VA. Stimuljacija reparativnoj regeneracii nesrastajushhihsja perelomov i lozhnyh sustavov kostej konechnostej putem chreskozhnoj lazernoj osteoperforacii [Stimulation of reparative regeneration of non-union fractures and false joints of extremity bones with transcutaneous laser osteoperforation]. Permskij medicinskij zhurnal [Perm Medical Journal]. 2006;23(6):89-95. (Russian).

Noskov NV, Abushkin IA, Kotlyarov AN, Neizvestnykh EA, Shekunova UG, Nazarova MD. Primenenie vysokointensivnogo lazernogo izluchenija pri lechenii degenerativno-distroficheskih zabolevanij skeleta u detej [The use of high-intensity laser radiation in the treatment of degenerative-distrophic diseases of the skeleton in children]. Vestnik Juzhno-Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija: Obrazovanie, zdravoohranenie, fizicheskaja kultura [Bulletin of South Ural State University. Education, health, physical culture]2013;13(1):132-136. (Russian).

Spodar DV, inventor; Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy, assignee. Sposob hirurgicheskogo lechenija distroficheskih kostnyh kist u detej [Surgical method of treatment dystrophic bone cysts in children]. RU patent S1/02217088. 3003 Nov 27. (Russian).

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Как цитировать
Хотим ОА, Аносов ВС, Сычевский ЛЗ. ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ ЛАЗЕРА В МЕДИЦИНЕ, ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ ЛАЗЕРНОГО ИЗЛУЧЕНИЯ В ТРАВМАТОЛОГИИ И ОРТОПЕДИИ. Журнал ГрГМУ (Journal GrSMU) [Интернет]. 9 январь 2019 г. [цитируется по 23 февраль 2025 г.];16(6):654-60. доступно на: http://journal-grsmu.by/index.php/ojs/article/view/2339

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