ISSN ONLINE 2413-0109
ISSN PRINT 2221-8785

Scientific and practical peer-reviewed journal «Journal of the Grodno State Medical University» was founded on November 27, 2002 (registration certificate No.1953). Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus registered the Journal in the State Register of Mass Media on February 8, 2010, No.1238.

The Journal is a periodical publication of Educational Establishment «Grodno State Medical University», issued once every two months.

The purpose of the journal is to highlight scientific achievements in the field of preventive, clinical, experimental medicine and other medical and biological sciences, especially in the context of cross-border cooperation of medical specialists.

Specialization area: Science, Popular science, Education (Medicine).

The Journal publishes experiment-based, clinical and review articles in the field of Medicine and Biology.

Languages of publication: Russian, Belarusian, English.

The first issue was in March 2003.

The journal is included into the list of scientific journals approved by the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles of the Republic of Belarus (Higher Attestation Commission) to publish the results of dissertation research. It is distributed on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation. It is enclosed into the Catalogue of Publications of the Republic of Belarus; “Informnauka”, “Creative Service Band”, “Pressinform”, ”Ekaterinburg-OPT” (Russia); “Globalpress” (Russia).

Subscription index: individual subscription – index 00786, institutional subscription – index 007862.

Reference copies of the Journal can be found in the libraries of the Republic of Belarus:

  1. Presidential Library of the Republic of Belarus,
  2. National Book Chamber of Belarus,
  3. National Library of Belarus,
  4. Yakub Kolas  Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
  5. Republican Scientific Medical Library,
  6. Grodno Regional Scientific Library named after E.F. Karsky,
  7. Library of Educational Establishment «Grodno State Medical University».