Structural and functional interactions in the kidneys of rats having gentamicin-induced nephropathy

  • O.A. Borisyonok EE «Grodno State Medical University»
  • S.M. Zimatkin EE «Grodno State Medical University»
  • T.V. Bushma EE «Grodno State Medical University»
  • О.V. Baraban EE «Grodno State Medical University»
  • M.I. Bushma УО «Гродненский государственный медицинский университет»
Keywords: rats, gentamicin-induced nephropathy, function and structure of kidneys


The close interrelation has been established between the renal functional and structural indices in rats having gentamicin-induced nephropathy (60 mg/kg, intraperitoneally, once a day х 10). The positive interconnection between the increased plasma concentration of middle molecules, urea, creatinine and the percentage of severely damaged and lost proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) cortical nephrons (CN)) has been marked. The negative interconnection was found for the urea and the creatinine in the urine. Therefore, it is possible to predict the character and degree of the destruction of PCK CN on the basis of the results of plasma and urine examinations.


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How to Cite
Borisyonok O, Zimatkin S, Bushma T, BarabanО, Bushma M. Structural and functional interactions in the kidneys of rats having gentamicin-induced nephropathy. Журнал ГрГМУ (Journal GrSMU) [Internet]. 2015Aug.11 [cited 2024Jul.3];(2(38):27-9. Available from: